Sunday, December 20, 2009

Coming Soon To Your Mouth...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Martha Stewart's recipes tend to be hit-and-miss. Nine times out of ten when I have gone to Martha looking for meal-time inspiration, I wind up with something not-so sensational going into my food hole which is quickly followed by my food hole forming a large frown. There is one single exception to this MS rule of thumb: her cookies are always a hit (and always the shit!!)

I wandered over to Miss Martha's corner this evening and was bombarded with Christmas Cookies with some serious potential people. I plan to make all of these for or around X-mas gifts this year. GET THESE IN MY MOUTH!!!

Chocolate-Peppermint Cookies

Cream Cheese Lemon Bows

Espresso Bean Shortbread

Chocolate Peanut Butter Shortbread Squares

Green Tea Shortbread Leaves!!!!

1 comment:

  1. those green tea cookies are making my mouth water! exchanging shortbread with you is gonna be sweet!
