Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pure Poetry

Whilst cleaning through the drawers of my external hard drive, I stumbled onto some gems from my past, including a .txt file containing the remnants of my brief but fervent crush on Scottie from Star Trek. The file properties are all out of whack, but I'm guessing this was created waay before the date on the file. Anyhow.. Enjoy!

pick me up in your maserati
you and i will sip hot totties
afterwards we'll do karate

do you box, or do pilates?
either way, your are a hottie
day and night i want your body

will you take me to the potty?
i'll dress you up just like john gotti
afterwards we'll do the naughty

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Baby Jesus

Please let this week go smoothly allowing me to get lots and lots accomplished at work and school so that I can spend the last two weeks of this month shopping, craft-making, and otherwise preparing for your special day.

Thanks a bunch,

Funeral Wish

While riding the bus the other day I had one of the best ideas I've had in a while as far as ideas that make me smile and leave me feeling like I just came up with the most perfect thing possible. At my funeral, I would like to request that Jon Cameron sing this song:

Friday, December 3, 2010